Read the Apr-Jun 2021 issue of The Grid

A promising start of the season

Are you ready?

In this issue of THE GRID, our chairman Andy Sampson updates us on the operational aspects of the club, the website and our new Introductory Membership (pg 06).

David White shares his experience during the instructor recency flying (pg 08), as well as incredible gliding photography in the gallery (pg 12).

David Stern shows the results of the Spring tasks (pg 10), while Phil Warner showcases the different seasons experienced on Easter Monday (pg 21).

While many of us were squeezing some flights at Dunstable, Guy Corbett was lucky to visit Aboyne in September (pg 16).

Mark Newland-Smith invites us to join the Regionals (pg 11) and talks about seat comfort and safety (pg 19).

The LGC cadets return (pg 22), bringing renewed energy to the airfield, while KS continues to explore new destinations (pg 20).

On the historical side, Martin Hayden revives the story of JJ landing at Whipsnade (pg 23), and we explore a collection of photos of primary gliders used for training in the 1930s (pg 24).


Rafael Schouchana

Experience Designer based in London with over 24 years of experience working in 6 countries. Partner at Atlanttico.


Read the Oct-Dec 2021 issue of The Grid


Read the Jan-Mar 2021 issue of The Grid