Fixed Price to Solo
What does it cost to go solo?
This is the most common question we get asked. Now we can tell you precisely:
For more details, please contact the office
This fee includes:
Flying membership for a year from the date you join.
All flying and winch launch charges
Five aero tows for stall/spin training (more may be required)
Your first solo flight
At the end of the first year, you would then pay pro-rata membership for the remaining months of the club year (Feb – Jan)
We do not guarantee that you will go solo within the year
No membership discounts apply to this offer
We ask you to pay in advance in one instalment
Applies to your first year of membership only
To meet the required standard, we recommend that you fly every week
After your first solo you pay flying and launch fees at club rates
1 to 1 instruction or other course fees are not included
Please note:
There is no priority system for launches
Aero-tows taken if the winch is unserviceable are not included.
We have height and weight restrictions for our gliders:
Height: 153 - 193cm
Weight: 42 - 100kg